
How our satisfied customers use Medilevel to simplify care and their work.
Region Gävleborg

Region Gävleborg

In 2015, BUP within the Gävleborg Region started a project in the form of increased self-care through medication follow-up at home. There, patients with ADHD borrowed blood pressure monitors to manage the registration of measured values at home.
Researching new working methods

Researching new working methods

Two different studies will start in 2021 to investigate and evaluate whether patients suffering from depression can be treated as effectively with Medilevel as patients with ADHD.


After a hard fight against other grants, Region Gävleborg and HIPR were the winners of Sveapriset 2019. Måns Lööf, Region Gävleborg, and Patrik Borneson, Medilevel AB, got to go up on the Gothenburg Opera's big stage and receive the prize.